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BINARAGANET is BuiltWithSolar, We run on 100% renewable clean energy - zero emission - we carbon offset your entire purchase and our emission using on-grid solar panels making your purchase and our operation carbon-negative - We believe in a brighter, positive future and a more sustainable tomorrow

We are building a 100-year company, BINARAGANET builds for the long term, and that means investing in our planet, our communities, and our people. Our Sustainability initiatives include choosing renewable energy, reducing and offsetting our carbon emissions, and enabling an equitable and sustainable future by building products and programs to support our team and members.

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DOMYOS Weight Training Bar 1.55m 28mm  New Product!!   Recomended!!   Best Seller!!
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Our design teams have created this rock solid weight training bar just for you DIMENSIONS Length: 1.55 m. Diameter: fits 28 mm weight discs. To ensure the perfect weight distribution on your bar, we recommend using this product with our smart disc collars. WEIGHT 7.75 kg. MAXIMUM LOAD 160 kg. DURABILITY Steel bar. Warranty: 5 years. Maximum load: 160 kg GRIP Knurled handles for ..... more details

DOMYOS 500 Pull up weight Training Bar
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MUDAH DIPASANG TIDAK PERLU MENGEBOR LUBANG! Dimensi pintu yang kompatibel. Untuk rangka pintu dengan lebar 60 hingga 90 cm. UNTUK MEMASTIKAN ANDA MENGGUNAKAN PRODUK INI DENGAN BENAR, LIHAT VIDEO LATIHAN GRATIS KAMI menyediakan berbagai video latihan yang direkam dan dinarasikan oleh para pelatih di pusat kebugaran Domyos Club. UNTUK SESI LEBIH INTENSIF Dengan 2 sangkutan ..... more details

DOMYOS Weight Training Curl Bar 1.2m 28mm  New Product!!   Recomended!!   Best Seller!!
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Our design teams have created this rock solid weight training bar just for you DIMENSIONS Length: 1.20 m. Diameter: fits 28 mm weight discs. To ensure the perfect weight distribution on your bar, we recommend using this product with our smart disc collars. WEIGHT 6.15 kg. MAXIMUM LOAD 160 KG DURABILITY Steel bar. Warranty: 5 years. Maximum load: 160 kg GRIP Knurled handles for ..... more details

DOMYOS Pump Weight Training Kit 20Kg
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This Pump Kit 20 kg was developed by our design teams and approved by our coaches for weight training and bodysculpting at home. WHAT DOES THE PUMP KIT 20 KG INCLUDE? - 1 x 2.5kg bar 28mm in diameter and 130cm long (in three parts) - 2 smart disc collars - 2 x 1.25kg ..... more details

DOMYOS Weight Training Bar 2m 28mm  New Product!!   Recomended!!   Best Seller!!
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oUR design teams have created this rock solid weight training bar just for you DIMENSIONS Length: 2 m. Diameter: fits 28 mm weight discs. To ensure the perfect weight distribution on your bar, we recommend using this product with our smart disc collars. WEIGHT 9.75 kg. MAXIMUM LOAD 160 kg. DURABILITY Steel bar. Warranty: 5 years. Maximum load: 160 kg GRIP Knurled handles for ..... more details

DOMYOS Rowing Machine 120
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Produk Pelengkap : Our designers developed this 120 rowing machine for your at-home cardio workouts. Use up to 2 times a week. WHY USE A ROWING MACHINE? Rowing is an effective all-round activity It combines: - cardiovascular work for heart health and to develop endurance. - toning and strengthening the muscles of the whole body. It works the ..... more details

DOMYOS Reinforced Flat Inclined Weights Bench
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Our design team has developed this reinforced bench for weight training with heavy weights. PRODUCT AND BOX DIMENSIONS Product dimensions: Length = 141cm Width =53cm Height= 41cm Box: 121 x 25 x 36cm Weight = 22kg TRAINING WITH THE 900 BENCH: ALL EXERCISES Bench press (0°) Incline bench press at 15°, 30°, 45°, 60° Military press at 80° Declined bench press at ..... more details


Cek Produk BINARAGA.NET di BPOM Suplemen yang dijual di original, berasal dari importir resmi yang terdaftar, memiliki izin edar dan sertifikasi BPOM. Informasi yang disediakan dalam bukan untuk menggantikan nasihat Dokter dan pernyataan didalamnya serta penggunaannya tidak ditujukan untuk mendiagnosa, merawat, menyembuhkan atau mencegah masalah kesehatan apapun. Shop and get Free EBook Rai Institute Rp.120.000, Free Voucher Rp.100.000 untuk mengikuti Sertifikasi Personal Trainer Rai Institute, Anti Aging dr. Phaidon, bergabung dengan komunitas Binaraga Natural terbesar di Indonesia dan free konsultasi Easy Rapid FatLoss & MuscleGain selama 2 minggu. 6 Jam terkirim khusus Jakarta by Gojek & Grab, Cash On Delivery by J&T.

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