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Inbody Band tidak hanya tracking aktivitas kita dan monitoring heart rate kita, namun juga dapat mengukur massa otot serta body fat percentage kita.
1. Tes InBody
Mengukur persentase massa otot, dan lemak tubuh Anda di mana saja, kapan saja.
2. Track Aktivitas
Mengukur gerakan kita, jarak kita melangkah, active time kita, dan kalori yang ..... more details | | |
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Beli InBody Dial di Tokopedia
Dengan InBody Dial kamu dapat mengukur secara akurat kilogram body fat, muscle mass, dan juga persentase body fat itu sendiri. InBody Dial akan membantu kamu untuk mengukur kesehatan kamu secara lebih dalam dengan melihat komposisi tubuh kamu.
1. Frequencies: 20kHz, 100kHz
2. Measuring Time: Less than 10 seconds
3. ..... more details | | |
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InBody, the Body Composition Analyzer
Track the progress of the body’s change with the InBody
· Body Composition Analysis gives basic information of examinee’s physical status.
· More than 20 outputs are given through an easy and fast InBody Test.
· Segmental Muscle and Fat Analysis allows for a more focused exercise plan
Lookin’Body Data ..... more details | | |
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the all new inbody270 is now more elegant and premium than ever before. it’s silhouette, combined with clean lines and high-class design elements provides a truly impressive appearance.
product specifications

height range
3 ft 1.4 in-7 ft 2.6 in
equipment weight
30.9 lbs
14.0 x 31.3 x 39.1 ( l x w x h ) : ..... more details | | |