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BINARAGANET is BuiltWithSolar, We run on 100% renewable clean energy - zero emission - we carbon offset your entire purchase and our emission using on-grid solar panels making your purchase and our operation carbon-negative - We believe in a brighter, positive future and a more sustainable tomorrow

We are building a 100-year company, BINARAGANET builds for the long term, and that means investing in our planet, our communities, and our people. Our Sustainability initiatives include choosing renewable energy, reducing and offsetting our carbon emissions, and enabling an equitable and sustainable future by building products and programs to support our team and members.

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XIAOMI FED Multifuncional Dumbble- Home Fitness Barbel 10kg
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FED Multifuncional Dumbble ( Produk dijamin 100% Original , jika tidak original maka Uang anda akan dikembalikan 100% full amount beserta ongkir ) - Produk tidak bergaransi - PACKING 100% AMAN, DOUBLE BUBBLE WRAP - 100% Original *Produk Xiaomi Echo System *Tidak ada logo & merk Xiaomi pada produk Removable, easy to use and environmentally friendly with a ..... more details

XIAOMI FED Multifuncional Dumbble - Home Fitness Barbel 20kg
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FED Multifuncional Dumbble *Produk Xiaomi EcoSystem *Tidak ada logo & merk Xiaomi pada produk Removable, easy to use and environmentally friendly with a black plastic cover that does not hurt the floor tile, stylish appearance and the latest design. Turn to a barbell, Comfortable, Durable, Jacket protection, Protection floor, Perfect Details, Anti-Skid Handle, Secure ..... more details

XIAOMI FED Multifuncional Dumbble - Home Fitness Barbel 30kg
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FED Multifuncional Dumbble *Produk Xiaomi EcoSystem *Tidak ada logo & merk Xiaomi pada produk Removable, easy to use and environmentally friendly with a black plastic cover that does not hurt the floor tile, stylish appearance and the latest design. Turn to a barbell, Comfortable, Durable, Jacket protection, Protection floor, Perfect Details, Anti-Skid Handle, Secure ..... more details

XIAOMI Walking Pad C1 Smart Folding Pad Machine Treadmill
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Specs: Merek Xiaomi Model WalkingPad C1 Nilai tegangan 220V R diciptakan listrik 746W Motor pola modus siaga, modus kecepatan konstan, mode otomatis. minimum kecepatan 0.5km / h maksimum kecepatan 6,0 km / h daerah berjalan efektif 1200x400mm ketinggian platform yang berjalan 67mm berat bantalan maksimum 110kg Berat bersih 22kg Berat kotor 25kg Unfold ukuran 1449x528x114mm dilipat ukuran 855x528x140mm usia yang berlaku berusia 12-60 tahun tinggi yang berlaku tidak ..... more details

XIAOMI XQIAO OVICX Q100 Spin Bike Sepeda Statis
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Xiaomi Xqiao Ovicx Q100 Spin Bike General parameters Brand: OVICX Product: Exercise bike Model: Q100 Technical parameters Resistance: Variable, magnetic type Transmission system: Poly-V Elastic Belt Crank: Fixed Flywheel: 400 mm 6.5 kg Supported load: 110 kg (maximum) Dimensions and weight Dimensions: 1109 x 1145 x 510 mm (height x length x width) Weight: 27 kg Packaging content 1x OVICX Q100 Exercise Bike 1x User Manual ..... more details

XIAOMI FED Multifuncional Dumbble - Home Fitness Barbel 15kg
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Spedifikasi: 4 buah plat 2Kg 4 buah plat 1.5Kg 2 stick bar 1 stick ekstensi 1 pasang sarung tangan 1 pasang wirst band 2 push up stand 1 stand kettlebell 4 buah pengunci Nama Barang : F210 Dumbbell FED Multifungsi Fungsi / Kegunaan : Membentuk postur tubuh Berat Barang : 15 Kg Berat Kemasan : 17 Kg Ukuran Barang : 32 x 45 x ..... more details


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