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BINARAGANET is BuiltWithSolar, We run on 100% renewable clean energy - zero emission - we carbon offset your entire purchase and our emission using on-grid solar panels making your purchase and our operation carbon-negative - We believe in a brighter, positive future and a more sustainable tomorrow

We are building a 100-year company, BINARAGANET builds for the long term, and that means investing in our planet, our communities, and our people. Our Sustainability initiatives include choosing renewable energy, reducing and offsetting our carbon emissions, and enabling an equitable and sustainable future by building products and programs to support our team and members.

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DHZ FITNESS Water Rowing Machine X6101
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Dim: 2080*505*565mm Weight: 100KG Resistance Water       Berat Item belom Fix,  apabila sudah OK, hubungi kami di 0813-8162-8219, untuk memastikan berat item So, apa saja manfaat dari alat fitness ini? Yuk simak ulasan berikut, seperti dikutip dari Bagi ladies yang ingin menurunkan berat badan, rowing machine dapat mewujudkannya. Dengan menggunakan alat ini secara rutin dapat membakar sebanyak 125 ..... more details

DOMYOS Smart Rowing Machine 500
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Desainer kami mengembangkan mesin dayung 500 ini untuk latihan kardio di rumah Anda. Gunakan hingga 4 kali seminggu Mendayung adalah aktivitas seluruh tubuh yang efektif. Ini menggabungkan: - pekerjaan kardiovaskular untuk mendukung jantung Anda dan meningkatkan daya tahan. - Mengencangkan dan memperkuat gerakan otot di seluruh tubuh Anda. Ini melatih bahu, lengan, punggung dan ..... more details

DOMYOS Folding Rowing Machine 100
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Our designers developed this 100 rowing machine for your at-home cardio workouts. For an average use of 2 hours a week. Where you want - When you want! This Rowing Machine 100 is a Decathlon innovation! It was designed to blast maximum calories easily and take up very little space! MOVING YOUR ..... more details

DOMYOS Rowing Machine 120
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Produk Pelengkap : Our designers developed this 120 rowing machine for your at-home cardio workouts. Use up to 2 times a week. WHY USE A ROWING MACHINE? Rowing is an effective all-round activity It combines: - cardiovascular work for heart health and to develop endurance. - toning and strengthening the muscles of the whole body. It works the ..... more details

EDGE Elite Rower/ Mesin Rower
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Elite Rower • Alumunium alloy frame • Bluetooth app function • Stainless steel chain • 10 level windage adjustments • Foldable for space efficiency • Rower Size : 143 x 55 x 40 cm For cardio addicts, Elite Rower is an extraordinary companion to train with. Tone up your muscles, burn up calories, stay fit and perform ..... more details

FREEFORM R2000 Rowing Machine
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The Freeform R2000 Rowing Machine is full COMMERCIAL GRADE STANDARD. Only the highest quality components have been used to handle frequent high intensity usage. Suitable for high performance training centres, sporting clubs and associations, fitness centres or the ultimate in home gym equipment. Best-In-Class Freeform innovation in cardio equipment. The next ..... more details

OASE Rowing Machine HA-R1 Water Rower  New Product!!   Recomended!!   Best Seller!!
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OASE Rowing Machine Water Rower Jika anda pecinta alam, atau outdoor, dan ingn merasakan olahraga mirip-mirip di alam luar sana, memakai water rowing sangatlah cocok untuk anda. Dengan memakai water rowing, anda bisa mendengarkan suara putaran rowing yang akan menjadikan suasana lebih relax dan tenang karena suara air pada water rowing seperti ..... more details


Cek Produk BINARAGA.NET di BPOM Suplemen yang dijual di original, berasal dari importir resmi yang terdaftar, memiliki izin edar dan sertifikasi BPOM. Informasi yang disediakan dalam bukan untuk menggantikan nasihat Dokter dan pernyataan didalamnya serta penggunaannya tidak ditujukan untuk mendiagnosa, merawat, menyembuhkan atau mencegah masalah kesehatan apapun. Shop and get Free EBook Rai Institute Rp.120.000, Free Voucher Rp.100.000 untuk mengikuti Sertifikasi Personal Trainer Rai Institute, Anti Aging dr. Phaidon, bergabung dengan komunitas Binaraga Natural terbesar di Indonesia dan free konsultasi Easy Rapid FatLoss & MuscleGain selama 2 minggu. 6 Jam terkirim khusus Jakarta by Gojek & Grab, Cash On Delivery by J&T.

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   Prisma Kedoya Plaza B-1
   Jakarta Barat 11530